Nomad Investors

Investing Shouldn't be confined!

Tell us about some investment/business opportunities in your country/city
Select the category of the investment/business you are experienced with
A small description of what this this business or investment is about?
Enter the country where you operated the business/investment
What was your return on investment for this business/investment. Use the link below to calculate your ROI and copy the value back into this field
How much did it cost you to start this business/investment?
On a scale of 1 - 5 how difficult is it to start this business/investment? 1 - Not difficult at all 5 - means very difficult
Can foreigners or non-resident participate or try this investment?
Do you manage your business/investment yourself?
On a scale of 1 - 5 tell us how passive this investment is. 1- not passive at all, 5 means very passive. Passive means it doesn't require much time commitment. Active means it requires a lot of time commitment